Welcome to Chic Moms & Kids, your one-stop online store for maternity, nursing & kids wear.

For those who are new to shopping with us, do take some time to read through our shopping guide here!

Happy shopping! :)

Shopping Guide

Items availability are labeled in 2 categories:

We do not have the items in stock. You will need to place your order(s) within the stated pre-order period. Then, we will check the availability of the item(s) with our supplier. Once item(s) confirmed available, we will advise you on the payment details. Item(s) is/are estimated to reach within 7 working days after the last day of pre-order period.


1. We usually do not keep stocks for pre-ordered items, unless we ordered extra. Then we will label them as ready stock items.

2. Please order from the current month pre-order catalogs only, i.e. if the current month is August, please browse the August catalog only. July catalog is no longer valid.

READY STOCK ITEMS: As the label sounds, we have the items on hand. Just place your order with us, and we will advise you on the payment details. We will send the goods to you once payment is received.


1. We apologize if the item you inquire is sold out, and we have yet to change the status of the availability. Items are fast moving - we might not be able to change the status in time.

Click on the links for more info on payment & shipping.

We hope you have a pleasant shopping experience with us! :)